Thursday, April 29, 2010

Birthday Joy

Yesterday was my birthday (I'm 34...crazy!) and I had a perfectly lovely day. I awoke to flowers, tea, chocolate and a massage in bed. (If I were insanely wealthy, I would hire someone to wake me up with a massage every was that good! No, wait. I would send Michiel to massage school and make him quit his job so HE could give me a massage every morning. I might have to pay him though.)
Here's a picture of me on my kids, just me:

I went out to breakfast with my dad and kids, then later out to dinner with Michiel, sans kids. It was all marvelous, as a birthday should be.

At one point during the day Alexander said to me, "Mama, I'm so proud of you that you have a birthday all of a sudden."

And later: "I'm so happy that it's your birthday and I can have a piece." Give you one guess what he wants a piece of...

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