Friday, May 28, 2010

the Pet Parade

A couple of weeks ago, my little hometown of Silverton hosted its annual pet parade. This parade has been going on since the 30's. Recently, there was an article in Sunset magazine about it. It's a parade for kids (and those young at heart) to leash their dogs, primp their ponies, dress up their bunnies, decorate their wagons, and even display their opossums while parading down main street with costumes and fanfare. And of coures the requisite throwing of candy, which is what Alexander was in it for.

Here we are walking to the parade: me, Alexander, and my cousins little girl, Lauren.

Here we are watching the parade. You can see Michiel in the back next to my dad and Cortnie in front of them. Next to Alexander is his little friend, Karis, who's just a month older than him. They play together sometimes, and it's stinkin' cute when they hold hands or give each other hugs.

Fun fact: my family won the costume division of the pet parade in something like '84 for our rendition of the Wizard of Oz. Between all of us, cousins and foster kids, we had all the roles filled. I was Glinda the good witch, Kevin was the tin man, and Jo was a munchkin. I remember her hat kept falling over her eyes and she kept getting tired and wanted to stop walking. So, like any good sister, I yanked her along with me.

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