Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Do You Do Kissing?

I'm rather smitten with my middle child right now. She is such a delightful creature.

The other day I let her watch a bit of Downton Abbey with me. There was a kissing scene. Afterwards she told me about how some kids do kissing at school.

"But only when the teacher isn't looking," she informed me.

"Oh?" I said. "Kids do kissing?"

"Yeah, they hide so the teacher can't see."

"Hmm." And then, as casually as I could manage: "Do you do kissing too?"

"No, no. Not me."

"Alexander, did they do kissing when you went to school there?"

Look of horror. "Are you crazy?"

"So, Annabel, have you ever kissed anyone? Besides family."

"No, no, no. Well, yes. I kissed Cade." (A boy at her school.)

"What was it like?"

"His lips were wet. And they stayed wet for a long time."

"Were you kissing him for a long time?"

"No, but I could just see that they were wet."

We'll see if she has the same observations about kissing when she's 15. If she'll still talk to me about it.

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