Thursday, February 20, 2014


First words are so hard for me to pinpoint. Mieke has been saying, "Ma-ma-ma-ma," for months now, but it's not always directed at me. With prompting, she will say, "up," when she wants to be picked up. And she says, "Abba," an awful lot. At first, we thought she was trying to say, "Annabel," but it comes out in all sorts of situations when Annabel isn't around. Maybe it's a general word to mean family-member-that-I-love. Who knows.

But yesterday, her word was very clear. I was nursing. Michiel came home from work. Mieke sat up, looked at him, got a huge smile on her face, waved her arms, and said, "Papa!"

It made Michiel's day.

1 comment:

  1. Yeh! Wat leuk voor papa Michiel! Ik had nog niet de moeite genomen jullie te feliciteren met Mieke's verjaardag, dus nu krijg ik de kans het 3 dubbel te doen: Gefeliciteerd met alle drie jullie kindjes!!!
