Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Question

Well, we got it. From Alexander. The question.

"But when you decide that you want one, where do you get a baby?"

Alexander is six years old, just finished kindergarten and will enter first grade at a new school next year. He would not be satisfied with, "the baby grows in mommy's belly, in her uterus."

"But how does the baby get there?"

For a moment, I freaked out. Had no idea what to say. I have a tendency to over-explain which makes kids (and my husband) zone out after a few minutes. I almost said, "Ask your father." But I stopped myself. I could do this. Just keep it simple.

So I told about a sperm from Papa and an egg from Mama getting together to form an embryo which grows into a fetus which grows into a baby in Mama's belly/uterus.

I bit my tongue to keep from explaining 'embryo' or 'fetus.' No way was I going to try 'sperm.' I waited for questions.

But Alexander just nodded, thoughtful for a moment, then went back to his book where fish were laying their eggs.

And that was that. The Question. Answered!

At least for now.


  1. Nicely done! That's what makes it easier, they don't need all the answers right away. It comes and goes....

  2. Hey Lisa,

    I've been wanting to comment for a while...unfortunately it doesn't seem to work from my phone and I keep forgetting when I'm behind the computer.
    But now I'm on the computer getting updated on your blog, which I absolutely LOVE!
    So here's the comment for a great book on 'THE question': Waar kom ik vandaan - Peter Mayle
    It is actually originally written in English: Where did I come from?
    Really great and the illustrations are just awesome!

    Looking forward to your next writing and hope to see you sometime soon...

