Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Questions, Questions

Alexander is full of questions these days. His biggest question of the moment is, "How do you know?" He asks this ALL THE TIME.

If I tell him it's chilly outside, he asks, "How do you know?" Pretty much everything we say (yellow and blue make green, 2+2=4, baby iguanas don't eat candy canes) is met with, "How do you know?"

I suppose this is only the beginning, but already it grates on the nerves. Michiel and I have decided that silly/nonsense answers go a long way for our patience levels, although they frustrate Alexander. He's fond of telling us, "Because doesn't mean anything."

On the flip side, he also asks wonderful questions. The other day while driving home from school he asked me, "When do the numbers end?"

I told him they don't and briefly explained the concept of infinity. Then we played a little game where he thought of a number and I said one that was higher.

A couple of days later, he said to me, "I just don't understand how those silly numbers can keep going on forever."

Silly numbers.


  1. I read once that the average four-year-old child asks 200 questions every day. Assuming they're asleep for 12 hours of the day, that's a question every 3 1/2 minutes. How about those for silly numbers!

  2. Before I had a four-year-old I would have thought that an outrageous number. Now I wonder if it isn't a bit low. :)
