Sunday, October 21, 2012

Third Child

It's been a while so I'll just jump right in...

We're having a girl!!!!

It will be nice for Annabel to have a girl to play with. Alexander's pretty happy also since, as he puts it, "A girl won't want to play with my Legos." Always thinking, that boy.

The estimated due date is January 28th, so I'm just heading into the third trimester. We're planning a home birth again.

Whenever we ask Annabel what our baby's name should be, she says, "Rose flower." Alexander recently played with a boy who's younger sister was named Emery, so he's been championing that name. Emery Rose? I'm inclined to go with a full-on Dutch name, but we'll see...

1 comment:

  1. Ooo! Congratulations :-)

    Also, the fudge was delicious ;-)
