Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Phase?

I feel like we are entering a new phase in parenthood. Shhh, don't tell the kids or they might catch on and regress.

Today, Alexander played with his trains in his room, BY HIMSELF, for about 40 minutes. And Annabel flitted around from stringing wooden beads on a shoelace, to doing a puzzle, to pulling all of her stuffed animals out of the basket. Her concentration only lasted about 15 minutes, but I was stunned that for 15 glorious minutes, neither of my kids needed me for anything!

I hardly knew what to do with myself. I wanted to take that lovely moment and stopper it in a bottle to take out later to sniff and savor.

The shift is subtle, but for the last two days we have felt like a family where everyone is getting what they need. The kids are getting enough attention, and Michiel and I are getting a little space.
Not that it has been bad up until now. But Annabel is a very clingy child. Normally, I am not able to walk down the hall to the bathroom without her running after me yelling, "Mama! Mama!" and clinging to my legs. Likewise when trying to put the laundry away or open the windows in the house. I've had to wait until she's occupied and sneak to another room or try to carry on cheerfully through the whining and clinging.

I am taking a deep breath and holding it lightly. This new phase may not last. But I am grateful for it and will enjoy every minute of it.

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