It is November 6th. Evening. We are eating a late dinner before bedtime. Alexander's having yogurt, and Annabel's eating butternut squash and playing with Cheerios in between spoonfuls. She keeps smashing her fingers together and looking at me triumphantly. I think she's messing around with the Cheerios.
Then I say, "You want some more?" as I hold up another spoonful, and suddenly I realize she's making the sign for "more." She's just made her first sign! She does it again and again just before each bite and looks more and more pleased with herself.
Of course, she continued to sign even after she was obviously done eating, so we still need to work on the finer points. But hey, it's a start!
Alexander's really taken to learning new signs. Already he knows: more, mama, papa, brother, help, done, eat, dog, nurse and a handful of others. Hooray for sign!
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