Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Five Months

Well, our little chub-monster is five months old today, and she's got the thighs to prove it. Lately nursing has been challenging because she's so interested in everything going on around her that she doesn't stay latched on for long. She'll hear her brother's voice and whip her head around to see what's happening.
Today I stood her up in her crib, guided her hands to the railing, and let go. She stood on her own for a full minute or two! She's rolled over a couple of times but still seems surprised every time she does it...hasn't figured out how to do it purposefully. And she can sit up by herself for about three seconds before toppling over. All of it makes her laugh!

Last weekend, she experienced her first camping adventure. We met up with some friends camping up at Silver Falls and joined them for a night. A long hike, playing in the creek, junior ranger programs, roasting marshmallows, campfire songs--we did everything. And there were five other kids to mess around with. Alexander had s'mores for the first time, and Annabel was mesmerized by the fire.

Oh, and she tried eating some cantaloup today (which was also her brother's first food). She mostly just sucked on it, but seemed to like it.

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