Friday, May 21, 2010

Little Girl, Big Personality

Well, Annabel is three months old today and she is no longer a lumpy little thing with flailing limbs. Okay, her limbs still flail a bit, but you can tell she's trying hard to control them. These pictures probably don't convey the strong personality she's developing, so let me tell you a little bit more about who this girl is.

She loves being naked. As soon as we take her diaper off, she squeals with joy. This is also because she hates having a wet diaper. She will fuss and fuss and make horrid faces until we change it. Alexander never seemed to mind having a wet diaper, unless he had a rash.

She is very impatient. Once she decides she's hungry, she does not want to be kept waiting and will scream her little heart out to let you know it.

Within the last week or two she has discovered the wonder of standing and now wants to do it all the time. She'll only suffer to lie down when she's sleeping or nursing.

She's also quite the little chatterbox, coming up with all sorts of coos and noises when she's standing and facing you. She's so much more vocal than Alexander ever was. You can actually see her trying to mimic our sounds and mouth positioning. The other day I was saying, "hi," to her and she returned with something that sounded like a southern belle, "hi."

She loves to examine her fingers and toes. She'll hold her fingers in front of her face and twist them around and around. And she'll strain her neck to sit up and look at her toes. It's pretty cute.
So, there's a little picture of our girl as she's asserting herself.

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