The other big news in our family is that Alexander is now officially a reader. Yay!
He has been able to read simple books for a while now, but he never wanted to. Every time I tried to get him to read a word here or there, he would clam up and get all grumpy. But just the other day, he and Annabel were looking at books together, and she got him to read to her. Afterwards, he bounded over to me, saying, "Mom, I can read now!"
It finally clicked with him that he can do it. I'm still amazed at how Alexander learns big things. He did this with potty training and with riding a bike. He doesn't do it, doesn't do it, refuses, refuses, and then one day you turn around and he's doing it. Seemingly out of nowhere.
I just hope he doesn't do this with driving a car.
Oh, and Mieke is also walking behind a push-car. She puts on her proud little smile, sticks out her tongue, and walks along like she's been doing it for weeks. Any day now she'll take her first step. In the tenth month, just like big brother and sister.