This is a slightly sad one. Actually, many of Annabel's milestones are slightly sad for me because we don't plan on having any more children, so when she learns something new and gives up her babyish ways of doing things, those beautiful babyish ways are gone for good.
Of course, there are videos and pictures and memories, but there is not that sudden delight in the moment.

Annabel has learned to say, "here," when she hands you something, whereas she used to say, "me, me, me, me."
It took us forever to figure out why she always said, "me, me, me, me." I mean, we hadn't been showing her episodes of Beaker in the Muppet Show.
Finally, Michiel realized that she said it because we are always asking her to "please give that to me," or "can you hand that to me?" And she, being the lovely parrot that she is, tends to repeat the last word of the sentence said to her. Hence, "me, me, me, me," when she wants to give you something.
We had about a week to enjoy it with full understanding before she learned how to say, "here."
But, she still repeats the last word of sentences.
"Are you a good girl?"
"Do you want to go outside?"
"Would you rather have a cookie or cantaloupe?"
I wonder how long I'll be able to get away with that one.