I am constantly amazed by the things my child wonders about...and my absolute inability to explain things to him.
The other day he asked me what was here before we were, and I told him there were lots of other people living on earth going back hundreds and hundreds of years.
Alexander: No, I mean before that.
Me: Um, you mean the dinosaurs?
Alexander: No, before that mom. Before our earth, and before the other planets.
Me: Well, there was something called the Big Bang, but let's ask Papa about it when he gets home.
I am constantly referring him to Michiel or the internet. Seriously, what 4-year-old asks origin questions? Probably all of them, in one way or another.
He also recently asked how far the sky goes and my personal favorite: "How do they get the electricity to go through the power lines?"
Um...you got me there. I've got to brush up on my science.
Alexander's theory about the power lines was that it flows on water because he knows electricity is sometimes generated using water at dams. "You know, those high-electric dams."
And don't even get me started on religion.
We haven't raised him with religion, but now he's asking questions about holiday traditions. Those stories are pretty funky if you aren't eased into them. I tried explaining things to him this Easter but ended up confusing myself.
"So, there's a pagan holiday celebrating new life and fertility...hence, the egg. Oh, and there's also this guy who got nailed to a cross and died for our sins. But that's kind of a gruesome story. But beautiful too. Hey, um, let's go find your Easter basket!"
No wonder people tell their children, "Jesus was crucified and the easter bunny brings you candy," and leave it at that.