It's been a while since I've told a story about our little one-year old. So, I'll lump together a bunch of tidbits to try to paint a picture of what she's like now.
She loves carrots. They're probably her favorite thing to eat. Although,
plain yogurt is right up there too. Oranges, sweet potatoes, peas, potatoes, bananas, oatmeal, cheese--all favorites. And yesterday she gobbled up six broccoli florets.
She's a pretty good eater, except that she also likes to throw food on the floor. More precisely, she likes to fling it. She's got this powerful sidearm fling, and she doesn't hesitate to use it. Nothing is safe--food, toys, books, coasters, refrigerator magnets, bowls from the cupboards she can reach, pajamas from her drawer, pillows from the couch. She just reaches out suddenly, and fling, she whips the object around and it goes flying behind her. At first it was funny, but now it's getting unpleasant.
She loves showing her belly, especially if you ask her where it is. She's also adept at pointing out her nose, although she likes to point straight up it.
For about a week, she had one word that served every purpose: "Ish."
She loves climbing up the slide and sliding down on her belly.
She's not as cautious as her brother was. I think we'll have to worry more about her falling off of playground equipment.
She loves paging through books, though she won't let you actually read it to her; she turns the pages too quickly. But she loves to sit on a lap and flip through a book, babbling to herself. Here's a picture of her reading with her friend, Willow:
She is an expert at throwing fits. I guess she's been watching and learning from her brother. I don't remember him throwing a proper fit--I'm talking flat on the floor, kicking and screaming--until he was almost three. She had it down before her first birthday. And now she's quick to throw herself to the floor in protest when she doesn't get what she wants.
She loves loves loves her brother and squeals with delight when he gives her attention. Unfortunately, he's pretty stingy with attention for his little sister.
She loves to be outside and heads straight for the door as soon as we even mention the idea of going out. Too bad we've had so much rain lately.
During a break in the rain showers a few days ago Annabel was trying to yank the heads off the tulips. So, I solicited her help with weeding. She stood next to the weed bucket, I pulled the weeds, handed them to her, and she threw them in the bucket. She was so delighted with herself and impatient with me when I didn't weed fast enough.