Friday, January 14, 2011

Our Husband

The other day, when we were still trying to get back into the groove of our work/school schedule after vacation, Alexander asked me, "When is our husband coming home?"

I think I'm going to miss this stuff when he gets all his grammar kinks worked out. I love it when he tells me he used "both of his feets," or when he suddenly starts calling me Lisa rather than Mama. Although, I hope that one doesn't fade away. I like being called by my name, even when it's my surly son looking for a new way to boss me around.

Here's a picture of Alexander painting the build-it-yourself birdfeeder he got for Sinterklaas:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Saying Grandpa

I don't really know how you determine what a child's first word is. Annabel is always chattering, saying, "Ma ma ma ma," or, "Ba ba ba ba," or, "Da da da da," or, "Glinfdjkalie."

Michiel and I still differ on what Alexander's first word was. He says it was "truck." I say, "ball." We agree that "mama" came later.
Annabel says, "ma ma ma ma," in a sort of whiny drone when she wants me, and I guess that means she's said "mama." But the other day she said something much more clearly.

We were over at my parent's house, and Annabel was standing at the coffee table, like she does.

Dad said, "What do you have to say for yourself, little girl?"

I said, "Say grandpa."

She swung her head around to look at him and said, "Gam-pa," just as if she'd been practicing in secret. It was so clear.

I don't know if it qualifies as her first word, but it was the first time I have been positive that she meant exactly what she said.

Monday, January 10, 2011

She's Walking!

For real, this time. Although, this was a couple of days ago, and since then she seems to prefer to crawl. It's faster.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Good Night's Sleep

Finally! We bought a new mattress! I'm so excited! I'm hoping this will put an end to my back pain. I didn't realize how bad our current mattress was for my back until we spent two weeks in the Netherlands sleeping on a nice, firm, foam or latex mattress. Voila! No back pain.

So, when we returned from vacation, I wasted no time. On Tuesday, Dad and I went out and bought a new latex mattress. I feel like such a grown-up! Michiel and I have moved around so much that it was never a realistic option to buy a new mattress; we just made do with hand-me-downs.

But now, with two early-rising kiddos, it's extra-important that I'm not cranky and bedsore when I wake up in the morning. So, I'm choosing an Englander latex mattress for the best night of sleep around. Ooops...slipped into advertisement mode!

But really, I am excited. I almost fell asleep when I was trying out the mattress in the store. Of course, I was still jetlagged. Unfortunately, our new mattress arrives in 10-15 days. I hope I can wait that long...

And just so there's a picture on this post:

And just so there's a picture on this post:

Sunday, January 2, 2011

That Boy Has Good Eyesight

We are back from our trip to the Netherlands (with a side trip to Germany). I have many stories to share, but I'll start with a simple one from the plane ride home:

We were circling the Portland airport, getting ready to land, and Alexander was peering out the window, naming things he recognized.

"I see the ocean!"

"I think that's a river."

"Oh, yeah, a river. I see a boat. And a bridge." And then he shouted, "Mama, I see Germany!"

The whole front of the plane laughed.