Saturday, June 26, 2010


We just spent the week in Sunriver visiting my sister. Michiel had a training for work, so it was a good excuse for a little visit. The weather was glorious! And Alexander pooped in the toilet...twice...all by himself. Finally!!!!!

When we were still at home packing up for the visit, I had funny conversation with Alexander. We were in the bathroom.

Me: "Oh, I almost forgot to pack our toiletries."

Alexander: "Toiletries?"

Me, coming up with a quick definition: "Toiletries are things like your toothbrush, toothpaste, and hairbrush that you use in the room that has the toilet in it."

Alexander, nodding knowingly: "Then we have to take the plunger."

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Rolling Over

I forgot to write about this earlier, but on June 9th, Annabel rolled over for the first time. She's only done it once since, so it may have been a fluke, but still, she did it. She rolled from her stomach to her back, and I think it surprised her as much as it surprised me.

Here she is getting ready for the amazing feat:

And here she is in mid roll:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Today Annabel laughed for the first time! She's giggled and cooed before, but this was her first all out belly laugh. So cute! It actually sounded a bit like she was coughing (in a happy way).

And what was she laughing at? Her brother of course. He had climbed into her crib and was pretending to be a baby while lobbing stuffed animals onto the bed, where she was watching. Every time he threw an animal, she thought it was hilarious and would let out this lovely bubbling, bursting laugh. I can't wait to hear more of it!

Summer Job

Hooray! Not only has the nice weather finally decided to shine down on us, but now Michiel has a summer job! And it's the job he most wanted. School for him ends tomorrow, he has a nice long 5 day weekend, and starts work next week at the Oregon Gardens. He'll be a crew leader for a summer program with at-risk youth.

It's pretty much a dream job for the summer. Four days a week, out in the sunshine, working with plants. It's in Silverton, so he can ride his bike to work. Yay! We're all happy and excited about the summer.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So, Alexander can now sing his ABC's (as of 6/2). And he's quite proud to do so for anyone who asks. Sometimes he forgets Q, R, S, but who needs them anyway? I was a little surprised when he did it for the first time. When he got to E, F, G, I thought he would be done, but he just kept going all the way to the end. It's strange because we never actively tried to teach him his ABC's; he just picked them up on his own.

Now if he would do the same with potty training...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

It Won't Be Long...

...before she'll fit into shoes like these. Yikes! My little girl is growing so fast. She's getting chunkier each day. Slowly but surely her knees are disappearing, and she's developed a cute little roll of fat (it actually looks like a belt) just above her dimpled buttocks.

She's started to really grab for stuff, although she can't hold onto it for more than a second or two. Now, when you stand her up in front of you, instead of looking into your eyes, she looks hungrily at the buttons on your shirt front.

A few days ago, she discovered her thumb and fell to sucking on it--happily and noisily. But she hadn't quite figured out what to do with her fingers, so she kept poking herself in the eyes. This did not deter her. She would be crying and at the same time smacking for her thumb. She's figured it out now, so no more worries about eye injury. :)